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Five reasons to enter the NZ Hi-Tech Awards

Five-time Hi-Tech Award finalist Seequent took home the well-deserved PwC Hi-Tech Company of the Year award in 2022. Seequent remains an outstanding kiwi success story, and they have a wealth of experience to share about their journey to success! 

Daniel Wallace, Seequent’s Chief Revenue Officer, shared five reasons why companies should enter the awards when speaking at a launch event in Christchurch.

1. Insights
“The entry process was an opportunity to pause and reflect on areas outside our governance process, such as describing the impact of our purpose. It helps you focus on telling your story. You will likely gain insights about your business that you didn’t have before.”

2. Celebrating success with your team
“It’s great to get your team involved and share and celebrate your success. This is the part I enjoyed the most. We went to a lot of effort with this process, designing invitations to the award ceremony and leaving them on people’s desks, so they received a lovely surprise in the morning.”

3. Profile
“We all struggle to raise our profile, and this can be a great opportunity to get known. For example, it can help with attracting new talent. You never know who might be inspired by your story when they are ready for their next challenge.”

4. Flying the regional flag
“There are some really vibrant tech communities in the regions, and this year it would be fantastic to see more regional entries. The New Zealand tech community is spread throughout the country.”

5. Support our industry
“We entered every year because we want to help raise the profile of technology in NZ. It wasn’t just about trying to win. We believe being part of the awards is about giving back – it raises the profile of the sector, and that helps us all. It shows your commitment to our fantastic and fast-growing industry.”

Seequent, the Bentley Subsurface Company, creates and integrates world-leading earth modelling, geo-data management, and team collaboration software that is used by customers in more than 120 countries. They are headquartered in Christchurch.

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