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Consult Recruitment

Best Contribution to the NZ Tech Sector

Consult Recruitment

Eligibility For This Category

  • This category is open to any organisation that’s in the technology value chain – irrespective of where you are headquartered or whether you produce technology products or solutions or not. What is important (and the key element you will be judged on) is that you have made an outstanding contribution to the overall capability of the NZ tech sector that transcends your own commercial gain.
  • While an active participant in the local Hi-Tech sector ecosystem, your core business may not be selling technology products or solutions. You could be a service provider, investor or advisor to the NZ tech sector at a local and/or international level. As examples, this could include investing in hi-tech companies, providing professional services or contract manufacturing.

If you're unsure whether your company qualifies or have any questions or concerns, please email us at info@hitech.org.nz or call us at +64 21 223 8506 for clarification.

In Entering This Category

  • You will be able to tell an exciting story as to how the initiatives your organisation has participated in or led have either created or contributed to sustainable growth, development of talent, enhanced sector capability or and business success for New Zealand’s technology sector.
  • Upon request, you can supply the judges with evidence to support any claims made in this entry.

Download Soft Copy Entry Form

Click the button below to download a soft copy of the entry form, which will assist you in drafting your submission, collaborating with your team, and securing necessary approvals before submitting online.  

Download Entry Form

Entries Have Now Closed

Good luck to all our entrants. Finalists will be announced on 26 March. Sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop.

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Nominations are Now Closed

Thank you for nominating outstanding tech innovators, helping us spotlight NZ's incredible talent.

Explore categories at hitech.org.nz/awards/categories. Entries close March 3, 5 pm.